Free Cookies!

Scrumptious homemade cookies, sent to you, 

from us,

with love,

for free!

We may be the creators of brilliant customisable software, have a team that gives world class compassionate service and we may be uniquely dedicated to helping and listening to the Community Living world  – but it may also be true that we are most famous for cookies. Yes, that’s right, our ginger chocolate chip cookies homemade by Jane (who happens to be married to Big Fish) are just that delicious. We take cookies with us to conferences, send to agencies that have an interactive overview, or have gone live! 

We love the connection sharing food brings, and we love that our cookies are a well remembered calling card for Inclusion System.

We would love to send you some too. 

Just click the button and we’ll pop them in the post. They’ll be with you soon.
